About Carbe Diem Kitchen
Jolanta Nowobilski, BS, DTR (She/Her)
No. This space isn't for promoting one macronutrient over another. Actually, this space is for learning about all the nutrients and how they play important roles in our bodies.
If I could create an official definition for "carbe diem", it would be "to celebrate life through tasty food and joyful movement".
I created Carbe Diem Kitchen as a place to explore nutrition without rigidity. Learning about nutrition is a chance to explore your relationship to food and your body, not to punish. What "works" is going to look different on every body.
Even though the posts on this blog will be from my perspective, I am looking forward to this blog being a place for discussion. I want to learn from your experiences as well!
More about me:
Jolanta (pronounced "Yo-lahn-tah"): I graduated from the University of Houston in Fall 2018 with a B.S. in Human Nutrition & Foods. I gained my Registered Dietetic Technician Nutritionist certification in June 2020. I am currently working at an eating disorder treatment center and in the child nutrition department at a school district.
Jolanta Nowobilski, BS, NDTR
As a registered dietetic technician, I am committed to sharing evidence-based research in the field of nutrition. To learn more about this credential, click here